MBA Interview: Bird's Surf Shed
June's Featured Business of the Month
For the month of June we chose Bird's Surf Shed, a local surf shop, owned and operated by Eric "Bird" Huffman. Bird, as he is nicknamed, is a local San Diegan and lifelong surfer. Bird's Surf Shed is an 1,800 square foot "library of surf boards", as Bird prefers to call it, that span from floor to ceiling. "Visitors come from all over the world to visit and buy my boards", Bird says, "I was even featured on a cable network show called 'American Pickers' when I first opened". Bird is excited to be a part of the Morena District and the Mobile App Movement.
“I feel it’s very important to be an active member of the business association right here in Morena Blvd because its like family. You want to treat everybody well and be treated as well by them. It’s also a duty as business people to take care of our community and show everybody a good time.”
For the MBA Mobile App Interview Bird sat down with us to talk about the importance of community and why he feels it is important to be apart of the MBA App. At the end of the video Bird announces the special offer they will be running exclusively in the MBA App! What an offer it is as well! You'll have to watch the interview to find out more right here...