Applified Marketing Group is a mobile marketing company located in San Diego, California. We specialize in mobile applications for iPhone and Android phones. We also provide mobile responsive websites, SEO, graphic design, business cards, logos, custom QR codes, photography and much more.
AMG…It’s In Our Name
Applified Marketing Group (AMG)… formally UrPhoneGuy (UPG) or UPG Mobile Marketing Group"
The founder Josh Millar has been aware of the power of mobile technology since before the iPhone and the word texting even existed. Josh spent the next 12 years bringing the future of Mobile to consumers as he went through College and worked with every carrier from Verizon Wireless to AT&T where he quickly became an experts in the field. With over 91% of Adults using a Smartphone the market had become mobile saturated and he asked himself what was the future of mobile?
Mobile Applications proved to be the answer. Using his College Degrees in Marketing from San Diego State Josh started UrPhoneGuy on the original premise of providing Mobile Training for consumers but quickly realized the future was much bigger. With a struggling Economy, a College Degrees and 12 years of Mobile Experience and a passion for design UrPhoneGuy was created.
As business blossomed over the past few years UPG's branding and capabilities had evolved. Recognizing a need from there clients for more than just Mobile Apps, a “One Stop Shop” for all things marketing evolved and as a result the UPG Mobile Marketing Group was born.
Shortly after in 2016 the company was rebranded to the Applified Marketing Group LLC (AMG) to better represent the core competency in marketing through Mobile App technology.
It is time to go Mobile, it is time to be Applified!!!
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